A DailyMail szerint Jessica s Jenson jra egytt vannak. Jess s Jens egytt vacsorzta a Brit Nagydj utn Londonban.
Azt hogy jra egytt lennnek viszont mg nem erstette meg egyikk sem!
According to DailyMail, Jessica and Jenson are together again. They had a dinner in London after Silvertone GP.
We don't know that they are together again or not.
Sziasztok! Itt egy rvid video Nicorl s Vivianrl a londoni Thomas Sabo rendezvnyrl :)
Hi! here is a short video of Nico and Vivian from the Thomas Sabo event :)
Sziasztok! Tegnap a lnyok kzl csak Francescrl kszlt kp, rla is kevs :( Viszont kzkvnatra felraktam a kpeket Michelle Yeohrl (Jean Todt felesge), Tamara s Petra Ecclestonerl is. Tenap a futam alatt mutattak egy szke haj lnyt a Red Bullnl, de egyltaln nem biztos, hogy Hanna volt az! Nhny kpet azrt feltltttem a lnyrl is. //
Hi! Yesterday i found pictures only Francesca, but only a few.. I uploaded the pictures of Michelle Yeoh, Tamara and Petra Ecclestone, because some people wanted to see them :)
It's not sure that he blonde girl at Red Bull garage was Hanna, but I uploaded some pics of her.
Elg ksn, csak most kerltek el a mai kpek.. Az elz napokhoz kpest elg kevs, de legalbb van valami :) Vivianrl s Laurarl (di Resta bartnje) kszltek kpek.
Here are the pictures today from Silverstone. Less than in the last days, but at least we have some :) Pics of Vivian and di Resta's gf here:
Sziasztok! Sajnos mai kp mg nincs senkirl :( viszont Nicole ezen a hten az angol X Factorban szerepel, rla talltam sok-sok kpet :)
Hi! Unfortunately, there isn't any picture today :( but Nicole appeared in X Factor in England, I found many pictures of her :)
Ma felkerlt a nmet RTL honlapjra egy vide, amiben azt mutattk be, hogyan ksztettek fotsorozatot Timo Glockrl. A videban Isa is beszl Timorl, nagyon aranyos :)) // Today german RTL uploaded a video about how they made a photoshoot with Timo Glock. Also Isa talked in this video, she is really nice :))
(ha valamirt nem jelenten meg a videt akkor katt ide for the original video click here)
Talltam mg egy csom kpet Vivianrl, a rendezvnyrl, s maiakat is :D Az egyik mai kpen ltszik ahogy egy msik lnnyal beszlget, valsznleg Catherine az :D
I uploaded many pictures of Vivian, from the event and from today :) In one picture you can see she is talking with another girl, probably with Catherine :D
Sziasztok! Talltam mg egy tegnapi kpet Catherinerl s mai kpeket Vivianrl, valamint egy rendezvnyrl, amin rszt vettek Nicolval :)
Rvidhr: Tegnap Bruno Senna s Karun Chandhok a Cosworth gyrban jrt, s lltlag Bruno a bartnjrl nevezte el a motorjt :) Sajnos tovbbi informcik eddig mg nincsenek rla.
Hi! I found one picture of Catherine and pictures of Vivian from today and from an event :)