Sziasztok! Tegnap a lnyok kzl csak Francescrl kszlt kp, rla is kevs :( Viszont kzkvnatra felraktam a kpeket Michelle Yeohrl (Jean Todt felesge), Tamara s Petra Ecclestonerl is. Tenap a futam alatt mutattak egy szke haj lnyt a Red Bullnl, de egyltaln nem biztos, hogy Hanna volt az! Nhny kpet azrt feltltttem a lnyrl is. //
Hi! Yesterday i found pictures only Francesca, but only a few.. I uploaded the pictures of Michelle Yeoh, Tamara and Petra Ecclestone, because some people wanted to see them :)
It's not sure that he blonde girl at Red Bull garage was Hanna, but I uploaded some pics of her.