rkezik a Vettel baba! |
Axi |
2014.01.07. 16:16 |
Sebastian szvvje decemberben megerstette a hrt, miszerint Hanna s Sebastian els gyermekket vrjk! Gratullunk!
Bunte // Bild

Axi |
2014.01.07. 15:03 |
Mostanban megint kevs frissts volt itt, elnzst ezrt, de nem mindig van idm kirni ide az sszeset.. A facebook s twitter oldalon mindig minden hr s kp megtallhat, ha ide nem is kerl ki.
Sorry for the lack of updates recently, sometimes I don't have time to write all the updates here.
But as always, you can see all the news and photos instantly on the facebook and twitter site,
so please check them regulary :)

F1LADIES 2013 |
Axi |
2014.01.07. 14:58 |
Favourite outfit - Abu Dhabi |
Axi |
2013.11.19. 19:35 |

Szavazs - India |
Axi |
2013.11.07. 20:35 |

Jessica - The Virginia |
Axi |
2013.11.07. 18:45 |
me a 'The Virginia' japn cg j, tli kollekcija, termszetesen Jessicval :)
Here is the new winter collection of the japanese brand 'The Virginia', they made the photoshoot with Jessica again :)
