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Szerkeszt & design: Axi 
Nyits: 2009. 04. 13

Fejlc: F1Ladies 2014





Induls: 2007-10-29
























11. 04- 13.

2009.11.13. 18:34, Axi, Karli

2009.11.13.  Axi

Sziasztok! Hoztam pr j kpet Nicolerl :)

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2009.11.12.  Axi

Hoztam pr j kpet :P

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Elisabetta - Rendezvny , Nyarals l Rafaela l Ann l Jess - Abu Dhabi, ROC

2009.11.12.  Axi

Sziasztok! Mg mindig nem ja gpem, gyhogy sajnos mg nem tudok j dizit csinlni :( Amint ksz lesz, hozom :)

Elkerlt egy pr j kp Raqurl + a spanyol Telva magazinnl egy cikk rla:
Revista Telva

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2009.11.11 Karli
Sziasztok!Tettem fel 5 kpet Jessicrl,mg a GQ Magazin fotozsrl!Ksznjk Fanni :)

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2009.11.07. Axi

Sziasztok! Hoztam megint HQ scanneket, most Raqurl s egyet Isrl, ami tegnap mg lemaradt :) Thanks Audri! :)

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2009.11.06. Axi

Hoztam pr nagyon j HQ scant Isrl s Timorl, AudriMercier kldte neknk ket :D Mivel nagy mrteek a galria nem nagyon akarta feltlteni, gyhogy a Timos oldim galrijban megnzhetitek :) Thanks Audri :)

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2009.11.06. Axi

Jess ma rszt vett Jensonnel egy divatbemutatn :)

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+felraktam mg kpeket:
jsgok l Vegyes l Fotosorozatok

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2009.11.06. Axi

Sziasztok! Hoztam egy csom j kpet, fleg Jessicrl s egyet Isrl, ami mr fent volt kicsiben.

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Abu Dhabi l Japn
Tokyo l GQ magazin l Glamourous -2009. dec. l Jenson s Jessica l
jsgok l Vegyes

2009.11.05. Axi

Sziasztok! Felraktam a galriba Jessicrl 4 j kpet a ROC-rl, egyet a Magyar Nagydjrl s Isrl egyet Abu Dhabibl!

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Kp + 2!!
2009.11.05. Karli

Sziasztok!Talltam mg
1 kpet Jessicrl + 2-ok vagyunk a G-portl Sztrok-Bulvr toplistban!!KSZNJK SZPEN!

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2009.11.05 Karli

Sziasztok!Talltam mg pr kpet Jessicrl :)

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2009.11.04. Axi

Sziasztok! Hoztam egy kpet vzjel nlkl a ROC-rl, egyet Jessrl s a mamjrl s mg prt Abu Dhabibl :)

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2009.11.04 Karli

Sziasztok!Kint van Jessica a Bajnokok Tornjn :)

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Szlj hozz te is!
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Sneaker logo creators aren't celebrated nearly as much as they should be. Peter Moore, who had a hand in creating Michael Jordan's Wings and Jumpman, designed Mutombo's Shield. Deke has always been extremely Nike Air Max 1 proud of his Congolese heritage and the logo perfectly celebrates his path.
The Nike Air Trainer SC High Broken Bats will launch on April 25th to select Nike Sportswear retailers, including Nike.com.James Harden and the nike air max griffey Houston Rockets are in the 4th spot of the NBA Playoffs and here is a look at what Harden will be lacing up during his run for a fist NBA title.The Nike Crusader is air max 2011 Harden's go-to sneaker which he has a trio of PE colorways to rotate throughout his Playoff run. Check out the photos below and let us know which pair your feeling more in the comments.
Jason nike air max 90 Michael Keating, 35, of Sanibel, Fla., allegedly paid a man more than $20,000 for a pending shipment of stolen Nike Look See shoes during a meeting in Portland on March 24, according to a nike air max probable cause affidavit filed in federal court. The man Keating allegedly paid was a source working with a Washington County Sheriff's detective and federal agent. The two overheard Keating mention future sneaker shipments and nike air max 2014 destroying boxes used to ship the shoes to him during the meeting, the affidavit said.
Just yesterday we got a good look a the "Hacky Sack" editions of the Nike SB Zoom Janoski and Koston nike air max 90 infrared 1 SE that will be dropping this weekend, and now we finally spot the footbag-inspired Project BA, as well. As you can see, this version of the Project BA for Nike SB's annual 4/20 nike air max 97 celebration features a totally groovy multicolored hacky sack print across the textile upper, as well as a Flywire lacing system. This new material and the addition of Flywire are both firsts for the Brian air max 180 Anderson signature shoe.
It's Saturday, and that means we'll once again take a look at some of the best kicks of the week posted on Instagram with the #SoleToday hashtag. It's another ten pairs of black nike air max on-foot heat as usual, with some impressive vintage selections this week including the awesome and underrated women's Nike Total Air 9, the Zoom Citizen runner, and an OG pair of the FILA GH3.Check out Nike Air Max LTD all of the Top Ten below, and remember to tag your daily kicks with #SoleToday on Instagram for a chance to be in next week's picks. What's your favorite pair this week?
Stay tuned to air max 360 Sole Collector for further details on the 'King's Crown' Nike LeBron XI EXT.Turb

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